Centro storico Savona: Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona

We are a candidate city for Italian Capital of Culture, 2027

Savona, ready to forge new routes for culture

Italian Capital of Culture, 2027

Savona is a candidate city

A fantastic opportunity for the future of Savona

Our candidacy for Italian Capital of Culture is an ambitious transformation project for Savona and its citizens.

We see Savona as a major player on the Italian and Mediterranean cultural scene, a place with stories to tell and forward-looking projects to deliver, where culture is a driver of development with every resident playing an active part in the change.

This is no pipe dream, it is a challenge which we can overcome together! 


Why we are applying

We want to build bridges between generations, cultures and communities to make Savona a welcoming city for its citizens, tourists, young people, and companies. We want our city to be somewhere that cares about people and which drives innovation.

Learn more about the Capital of Culture project and why we are applying. 


New routes for culture

As a gateway to north-western Italy and the Mediterranean, Savona is at the centre of a network of land and sea routes. The new routes for Savona are not just for goods and people, they are exchanges of cultures, ideas, and innovation.

Learn about the themes and vision for the Savona 2027 candidacy. 

The candidacy process

In March 2023, the city embarked on a shared journey, involving institutions, associations, citizens and young people from the local area.

211 working days, 124 meetings, involving more than 2,000 people, 9 working groups, 36 municipalities all involved in the application. Just some of the numbers of the Savona 2027 candidacy process.

The enthusiasm and involvement of the local region has demonstrated the willingness of people to be a part of this change process, forging “new routes for culture”. 

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