Sandro Pertini House and Museum

Museo Casa Pertini | © Archivio visitsavona Museo Casa Pertini | © Archivio visitsavona
Sandro Pertini, the 7th President of the Italian Republic, was born in Stella San Giovanni, a small village on the hills behind Savona.

There you can still visit his birthplace house, which retains its original features, although it was divided into three flats when Sandro’s widowed mother, Maria Muzio, decided to divide the large building into three smaller flats, hoping to sell them separately. The house can be easily spotted: there is a large Italian flag waving from its front, where a marble plaque reminds of its past owner. At present, the house belongs to Regione Liguria, which entrusted its management to Sandro Pertini Association.

This Association organises all sorts of events to perpetuate the historical and artistic heritage of this renowned Italian politician. The house acts as a remarkable museum, holding the original furniture, the President’s precious pipe collection, paintings, photographs and other items that help us retrace the various stages of his life. The museum is open on weekends, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Pre-booking is required for large groups and also for visits on special dates. Alternatively, you can explore the old cottage on a virtual tour by visiting a voice-over narrating the politician’s life will guide you in your visit.

Via Ottavio Muzio 42/1, Savona. 
Tel. +39 019706194.
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