The Brandale Tower and Complex

Centro storico Savona: Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona Centro storico Savona: Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona
Climb the 50m-high Brandale Tower to learn more about its history and enjoy the breathtaking views! 

 You can view the rooms filled with paintings, sculptures and plaques that tell the story of centuries of history, from the Middle Ages to 1800.

You can imagine what life was like in Mediaeval times as you climb the tower, passing behind the giant clock face which marks time for the whole city.

Experience the thrill of reaching the top of the tower where you can see “La Campanassa”, the huge 1.5-ton bell which signals every hour and half hour with a chime that resonates across the whole of Savona.

Delight in the amazing views from the bell tower: the port, the city beyond, and the Ligurian coastline extending as far as the eye can see, to Genoa and Portofino. A visit to the Brandale Tower is an unforgettable experience! 

Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona
Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona Il Brandale | © Archivio visitsavona
Useful information: 
 Open on Saturdays from 09:30 to 12:30 from March to November, as part of a guided tour.
Open on other days by appointment.
For more information and to book your visit: WhatsApp 375 7496193
Telephone : 019821379 / E-mail : 
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