




You can explore Savona taking one of the different sightseeing tours designed to suit any interest, whether you love shopping or art. There are tours specially designed for those who are curious about local legends and interesting anectodes, and others especially intended for families with kids.



The Duomo
Also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, it was built between 1584 and 1605, probably on Battista Sormano’s design. The Sistine Chapel is close to the Cathedral: it was built by Pope Sixtus IV as a mausoleum for his parents’ tombs, between 1481 and 1483.

MUSA – Palazzo Gavotti Art Gallery
The building houses the Municipal Art Gallery (with artwork collections from the 14th century up to present day) and the Milena Milani/Carlo Cardazzo Contemporary Art Collection. The Pottery Museum is housed in Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, which is attached to Palazzo Gavotti.

Brandale historical complex
It includes the Brandale Tower, also known as ‘Campanassa’, the Corsi and Guarnieri Towers, and Palazzo degli Anziani.
The latter dates back to the 14th century, whereas the towers date from the mid 12th century. The Torre del Brandale was allegedly the main Tower of Savona’s then 50 towers, on top of which beacon fires used to be lit.
Complete tour: 620 m

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Comune di Savona

Corso Italia, 19 - 17100 Savona
Codice fiscale 00175270099
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