Giuseppe Garibaldi
Cosa vedere a Savona: Monumento Garibaldi
| © Archivio visitsavona
Patriot, general and politician.
In 1859 Garibaldi stopped in Savona in the afternoon on the Milan - Nice route.
Upon his death in 1882, a committee was formed for the construction of a monument to the hero in Savona, later replaced by the intervention of the Municipality.
The statue was forged from bronze obtained by melting enemy cannons and is located at the Sea Extension.
A plaque in memory of Giuseppe Garibaldi is walled up in the Palazzo dell'Anziania in Piazza del Brandale.
Tratto da "Schedario degli uomini illustri in Savona " di Ernesto Baldassarre e Renato Bruno su gentile concessione della Società Savonese di Storia Patria.