Isidoro Bonini

Isidoro Bonini | © Archivio Visitsavona Isidoro Bonini | © Archivio Visitsavona

Engineer. Treviso 1899 - Turin 1955.

He came to Savona in 1935 to lead two large companies, Funivie and Fornicoke.

He resumed after the war as a manager of the Italian Gas.

He worked on the reorganization of the port and the cable cars. Savona has named a nursery school after her.

Taken from "Filing cabinet of illustrious men in Savona" by Ernesto Baldassarre and Renato Bruno with the kind permission of the Savona History Patria Society
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City of Popes

Savona is also known as the City of Popes, due to the cultural and artistic legacy of two great patrons of the Italian Renaissance, namely Popes Sixtus IV and Julius II. 

Luigi Corsi

Mayor from 1861 to 1875.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian patriot, politician, philosopher and journalist.

Paolo Boselli

Statesman and patriot.

Giovanni Servettaz

Industry pioneer. 

Giuseppe Cava

Dialect Poet.

Antonio Botta

Pious Farmer.

Sandro Pertini

Sandro Pertini, who served as seventh president of the Italian Republic.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Patriot, general and politician.

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