Luigi Corsi
Mayor. Savona 1815 – 1897.
The city had an industrial and commercial face and together with Paolo Boselli he established the school of art and crafts and the institute nautical technician.
The marble bust of the senator who collaborated in the building expansion and economic rebirth of Savona is kept in the Gavotti palace. The work is by the sculptor of Genoa Francesco Fasce.
The municipality dedicated the ancient Via Letimbro in which it owned a villa to the mayor Corsi.
Where via Paleocapa Corso Italia currently stands, Piazza Mameli, Via Niella, Via Montenotte, Via Guidobono, etc., there were fertile gardens, vineyards and orange groves at the time. The municipality bought with courageous initiative wanted by Lugi Cosi, from the marquis de mari those area (about 6000 square meters) drew up a master plan and sold the land to private individuals. In a few years, new streets and squares arose that transformed Savona into a modern city.